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How to Get Rid of Nair Burn Overnight

Today, we will discuss How To Treat Chemical Burn From Hair Removal Cream. Nair and other depilatory creams can burn your skin, even if you use them as intended. The active ingredients in Nair are chemicals like calcium hydroxide and potassium hydroxide. These chemicals cause the hair shaft to swell so the chemicals can enter and break down the hair. However, these chemicals may also burn or irritate the skin.

While certain brands are FDA-approved, all depilatory creams come with strong warnings because the chemicals are so strong and can cause serious burns or reactions.

The FDA's Office of Cosmetics and ColorsTrusted Source says it has received reports of "burns, blisters, stinging, itchy rashes, and skin peeling associated with depilatories and other types of cosmetic hair removers." You may notice burning or redness while using the product, and in some cases, it can take a few days for redness, rawness, or stinging to show up.

how to treat chemical burn from hair removal cream

Home treatments for depilatory burns

Flush the chemicals off your skin by rinsing with cool water. Make sure you thoroughly remove any product from your skin and clothes before you begin treatment.

Because Nair is acidic, it can help to use an alkaline cleanser, which may neutralize the burn.

Using hydrocortisone cream, a topical steroid, can help stop some of the inflammation associated with chemical burns.

Cover the burn in Neosporin and then bandage it or wrap with gauze.

If the burn is still stinging, you can try using a cold compress to relieve the burning sensations.

An over-the-counter pain reliever can help you manage discomfort.

Keep the burn moist with petroleum jelly.

Medical treatments

If your burn persists, oozes, or starts feeling worse, it's important to seek medical attention. Medical treatments for depilatory burns may include:


anti-itch medications

debridement (cleaning or removing dirt and dead tissue)

intravenous (IV) fluids, which can help with healing

Side Effects Hair Removal Creams on Skin | Skin Plus

Nair Burn on Vag: Everything You Need to Know!

Hair removal creams like Nair seemed cool as hell when I first discovered them. Because, let's face it, shaving those nether regions is awkward and time consuming. And, well, I liked wearing short shorts.

But then I got burned. Literally. And I'm not the brightest person ever, so I tried these creams multiple times hoping something magically would change and experienced multiple burns. Between my experiences and tons of research, I've found the best ways to handle chemical burns from hair removal creams on the genitals or any other body part.

So what do I recommend you do when you get a Nair burn on your vag?Quickly rinse the Nair completely off and flush the area in the shower for 15 minutes. If a shower isn't available, soak in a lukewarm bath for 15 minutes. Gently pat dry the area with a soft towel. Apply hydro-cortisone ointment or a diaper rash cream (Desitin or Sudocrem are the best) to reduce irritation and pain. Then keep the burn moist with petroleum jelly.

These basic first aid steps will stop more damage from occurring and reduce the pain a little bit. However, if you're like me, you will be in for a rough day or two with pretty severe pain. Luckily, there are many other steps you can take at this point to reduce the pain and help the burn heal quickly.

12 Remedies for Nair Chemical Burn Relief

1. If you feel an increase in burning after your initial first aid, flush the area with water for several more minutes.

2. To control pain and reduce inflammation, use over the counter pain medications such as ibuprofen or naproxen

3. Don't use burn creams intended for non-chemical burns. These can make the pain worse.

4. Prevent friction and pressure on the area as much as possible. Do not have sex. It's not worth it.

5. Take lukewarm baths throughout the day to control pain if necessary.

6. If you are experiencing pain when peeing, a recommended hack is to pee in the bathtub. Hold your fingers over the burned area so the pee doesn't touch it as it leaves your body. Then drain the water and take a shower.

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7. Wear loose-fitting underwear and clothing. Skirts can be a good clothing choice until the burn heals.

8. Applying ice to burns is usually discouraged, but some women recommend applying ice for vag burns from Nair to held manage pain that gets unbearable. Another option is getting a maxi pad wet, freezing it, and then applying it to your burn. You should only use ice for about 15-20 minutes at a time to prevent damaging the skin.

9. Try a sitz bath. This is an alternative to bathing that helps relieve pain in the vag area.

10. Wet some tea bags and apply to the affected area. Black or green tea are good choices for this.

11. Continue applying a moisturizing ointment or cream, such as petroleum jelly, to the area so the burn stays moist. Chemical burns heal best this way.

12. Clean the area and reapply moisturizer frequently to avoid infections.

When to See a Doctor

Most Nair chemical burns are first degree burns so they can usually be treated at home without any problems. However, if your burn is more severe with blisters or more than a few inches wide, it's a good idea to consult a doctor as soon as possible.

If you see signs of an infection, you should also talk to your doctor. These signs include:

  • Worsening redness or changes in skin color.
  • More swelling.
  • Blistering.
  • The burn becomes thicker.
  • Pus or green-colored drainage.
  • Fever.

Should You Use Nair on Your Vag Again?

If you followed the directions and used Nair properly, but still ended up with a burn on your vag, you should not use Nair again. This is an indication that your skin is too sensitive to the chemicals in it or you have an allergy to it.

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If you didn't follow the directions, did you use too much cream, rub it in, or let it sit for longer than 6 minutes? Or did you apply Nair to skin that was slightly sunburned or irritated already?

If so, this is possibly the reason you ended up with a burn. If you take better precautions, you can probably use Nair without a problem. This is also the case if you put Nair on the wrong body parts.

Your problem may have been a Nair chemical burn on your vag lips. Nair can be applied to the outside of this area and the surrounding pubic area.

If Nair ended up on the inside of your vag lips or on other areas covered with mucous membranes instead of skin, that is probably why it burned you. These tissues are too delicate for chemical depilatories.

Where is the Vag?
Your vag is actually inside of you. The bikini area includes the mons pubis and the outside of the lab majora.

One other possibility is that you are just sensitive to Nair specifically, but not all depilatory creams. You may want to try out a different brand next time. I've heard some people with sensitivity to Nair have had good luck withMagic Razorless Cream Shave (click to read reviews on Amazon). It is intended for faces so is especially gentle for a depilatory cream.

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How to Prevent Chemical Burns from Nair

If you want to give Nair another try (or you're reading this before you've tried Nair), there are several steps to take to make sure you get the best results and no chemical burns.

First, make sure you are using a product specifically made for the bikini area. These are usually gentler and will be less likely to cause burns.

Next, you need to test it on a tiny spot. Put a dab on a small area, let it sit about 6-10 minutes, then rinse. Wait 24 hours to see if you have any reactions. You should do this every time that you use Nair because you can have a reaction randomly even if you've never had one in the past. Immune systems be crazy.

If your test goes well, you can go ahead with Nairing your vag, but make sure that the hair is at least 2 millimeters for best results. And if the hair is super long, you may want to trim it or just shave or wax first and then start Nairing when it grows out a tiny bit. Really long hair takes more cream and you have to leave it on longer. That will cause more skin irritation.

Apply a thick and even layer of Nair to your hair until it is covered, being careful to not rub it into the skin. Always avoid any broken or inflamed skin.

Wash your hands well and watch the clock. After 6 minutes, use a cloth to wipe a tiny patch. If hair wipes off, it's time to remove the rest with a damp cloth. Just wipe, don't rub the cream in. Rinse the area really well with lukewarm water and pat dry.

If your hair is not coming off yet, you can wait up to 10 minutes, but that's the absolute maximum. If your hair doesn't wipe off by then, Nair is just not for you.

You may also be interested in watching this instructional video from Nair:

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Alternatives to Depilatory Creams for Pubic Hair Removal

If trying Nair or another hair removal cream is a no go for you, don't fret. Thanks to good ol' capitalism and our culture that hates body hair, we have lots of solutions!?

If you haven't tried it yet, I recommend using an epilator.

What is an epilator? It's a device you can use at home that pulls multiple hairs out by the root at once. The results are similar to waxing. It can be a little painful, but it doesn't mess with your skin so is a good option for those of us with sensitive skin.

Other possibilities include shaving, waxing, sugaring, or just trimming with an electric trimmer. A less popular alternative is giving our norms about body hair the finger and letting your pubic hair grow wild like most people in the world do.

Causes of dark underarms

Causes of dark underarms

i) Deodorant and antiperspirants:

Using deodorant and antiperspirants is essential to stay fresh all day but the presence of alcohol and other harmful ingredients can cause the underarm skin to get darker. It is recommended to use an alcohol-free deodorant.

ii) Shaving:

Shaving may seem like the quickest technique to get rid of underarm hair. But razor blades can be abrasive as they remove the top protective layer of the skin causing irritation and dark underarms.

iii) Friction:

Wearing very tight clothes can cause friction against the skin and frequent rubbing can cause dark underarms. Wear cotton and other skin-friendly fabrics and avoid body-hugging clothes.

iv) Dead skin cells accumulation:

Dead skin cells get accumulated in every part of your body and underarms are no different. When you don't clean the area well or fail to scrub it every few days it can lead to darkening.

1. Tea tree oil

Tea tree oil

Tea tree oil has proven to be an excellent cure for darkened underarms. Not only does it aid in the process of lightening your underarms but also helps keep it odor-free. Its anti-microbial properties combat microbes and ensure that your underarms stay free from bad odour.

How to use:Add some water to tea tree oil to dilute it. Pour this mixture in an empty spray bottle and spray it on your underarms. Voila, you are good to go!

How often: Repeat this process daily for more effective results.

2. Lemon juice

Lemon juice

Lemon juice is a natural bleaching agent, especially on account of its high concentration of citric acid. It will help you remove dead skin cells andlighten your skin, over a period of time.

How to use:Cut a lemon in two slices, and gently scrub your underarms with them for a couple of minutes. Let the lemon juice sit on for approximately 5-10 minutes. Then, rinse it off with cold water.

How often: Repeat this process about three times a week.

3. Aloe vera

Aloe vera

Just a little bit of Aloe Vera will be able to do the trick. It contains anti-bacterial properties which help soothe and lighten your skin.

How to use:Cut into a fresh leaf of aloe vera and extract the gel. Gently massage the aloe vera gel onto your underarms. Let it dry for about 20 minutes. Then, rinse it off with lukewarm water. You can also substitute aloe vera for the aloe vera gel available in the market.

How often: Repeat this process everyday to better lighten your underarms.

4. Apple vinegar cider

Apple vinegar cider

If you are suffering from dark underarms, you can always rely onapple vinegar cider to help you with the problem. This kitchen ingredient can be easily sourced from your local store.

Apple vinegar cider is loaded with amino and lactic acids, which help get rid of dead skin cells. Plus, its astringent properties help unclog the pores, thereby lessening the darkness. It also smoothes the armpit area considerably

How to use:Dilute apple vinegar cider with water. Soak a cotton ball in this solution and gently dab it over your armpit area. Let this solution sit on for about 10 minutes. Then, rinse it off with lukewarm water.

How often: Repeat this process as frequently as possible throughout the week, for more effective results.

5. Rosewater and baking soda

Rosewater and baking soda

Rose water has soothing and brightening powers, its fragrance also combats body odour and keeps the underarm area smooth.

How to use: Add 1 tablespoon of baking soda to rosewater, and stir this mixture evenly. Then, apply this solution to your armpit area and wait for about 10 minutes before rinsing it off with lukewarm water.

How often: You can practice this trick twice a week for lighter underarms.

6. Turmeric


Turmeric has both skin healing and lightening properties, applying this and antibacterial ingredient to your underarm area will brighten the skin as well as offer relief from itching. However, make sure you try this remedy in the bathroom or you might end up staining your clothes.

How to use: Take a teaspoon each of organic turmeric, honey and milk in a small bowl. Mix all the ingredients well and apply to the underarm area. Let stay for 15 minutes then wash off.

How often: Repeat this natural underarm lightening remedy thrice a week.

7. Potato


Potato is one of the most affordable and effective ways toget rid of dark underarms. It brightens the skin and reduces patchiness and itching associated with dark underarms. The citric acid in potatoes is mild which makes it the perfect remedy for those with sensitive skin type.

How to use: Grate one potato and extract its juice. Using a cotton ball apply this juice directly on your underarms. Rinse after 10 minutes with cool water.

How often: Repeat this remedy twice a day.

8. Cucumber


The skin of your underarm area hardly ever gets to breathe, the constant sweat and heat is the perfect place for bacteria to thrive causing infections and underarm darkening. In order to get rid of dark underarms, you canuse cucumber to soothe and calm the area. Furthermore, cucumbers have bleaching agents that lighten the skin.

How to use: Cut slices of fresh cool cucumber and rub them directly on the underarms area. Wash after 10 minutes and pat dry.

How often: Repeat twice every day.

9. Fuller's earth (Multani Mitti)

Fuller's earth (Multani Mitti)

Fuller's earth orMultani mitti is used on the face to absorb dirt, oil and other impurities from the skin. Those who regularly use this natural ingredient have smooth, clear and problem-free skin. This amazing ingredient can be used in the underarm area too to get rid of dark armpits.

How to use: Take a tablespoon of fullers earth and add half a teaspoon of lemon juice to it along with a few drops of rose water. Mix well and apply on the underarm area evenly. Let it stay until the paste dries off completely then rinse off with water.

How to Get Rid of Nair Burn Overnight
